The Muslim Clothing Open 2009
Party event mode most akbar "Fashion Exploration 2009" held in the official Cendrawasih Room, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/12/2008) this afternoon. Muslim fashion parade of 13 The Association of Indonesian Fashion Designer Entrepreneur (APPMI) is also an opportunity to open the event.
Designer clothing options that Muslims have the opportunity parade of clothes most of them hannie Anyar Hananto, Monika Jufry, Iva Lativaf, Ade Listiany, Ida Royani, Hennie Noor, Toera Imara, Lia Afif, Jenny Tjahyawati, Merry Pramono, Savitri, Irna Pearl, and Nuniek Mawardi.
"This time the number of islamic clothing that only 13 people participated. Nevertheless, they show that the collection is very different from the previous collection of reference and follow the latest trends," said Taruna K Kusmayadi the disambangi okezone in kediamannya region III Duren Barat, South Jakarta, the new recently.
The designer is often disapa Nuna is added, each designer gets the opportunity parade 15 men and women clothing, women's or all collections.
"This time APPMI want multiformity memopulerkan decorative Indonesia. Ragam hias Indonesia such as the aspects in the form of clothing, print, embroidery, finishing of the material or accessory that reflects ornamentasi. So, the theme this time have any broader meaning. Not just simply to make material , but also the designer can explore the entire property Nusantara
07.48 | | 0 Comments
Islamic Clothing & Muslim Dress
At this time so many types and forms of Muslim dress in the designer, especially with the Idul Fitri. Starting from model clothing for children, mothers, men's clothing and women. What is wholesale clothing muslim / muslimah clothing wholesale and sell retail.
Special clothing mothers, the trend is more Islamic Clothing gamis which directly without the need to use a subordinate or trousers. Clothes gamis this combined with a variety of jewelry beads, berpayet or various forms of embroidery thread with a variety of natural colors such as silver, brown, gold and cream.
According to one observer Islamic Clothing, Muslim clothing is now a trend with more colors kalem. Next, for mothers who do not like the model gamis directly or clothes, is also available with a subordinate Muslim dress pants.
Muslim dress has a cotton or tissue basis, with additional models shanghai neck with color and color-neutral. But with the added embellishment of yarn formed different types of flowers and leaves. If this model baju muslim life is not too many beads.
While for men is still synonymous with clothes koko formed with the various models. Koko clothing for men with a cotton base material, tissue, and t-shirts, kerahnya the only form of dianekaragamkan. Have mobilized and are not mobilized. While the motif clothes more varied. While for color, are still synonymous with the natural color, black and brown and cream. If purchased in the wholesale Islamic Clothing, we have to be charming, if sometimes not seteliti buying retail.
Islamic Clothing for the youth, fashion trends at this time is a balloon model and also Islamic Clothing with an additional pair of trousers. Model is also not much different with the model and the trend for mothers
07.24 | | 0 Comments